Evening Post 28 March 1893
The annual dinner given by the United Hunt Club to the farmers in the Taita district who have allowed the members of the club to run over their grounds, was held in the Travellers” Rest Hotel last evening, and proved a very successful affair. There was a large attendance, including a number of club members, who drove out in one of Lane”s brakes. As the weather was very fine, the drive out and back was thoroughly enjoyed The room in which the dinner was laid was decorated with ferns and flowere, and Mrs. Guilford served up a really capital repast. In the absence of the Master of the Hounds (Mr. H. D. Crawford), the chair was taken by Mr. D. G. A. Cooper, the Deputy-Master, who was supported on his right by Dr Purdy, and on his left by Dr. Newman, M.H.R. for the Hutt. Mr. D. R. Caldwell was in the vice-chair.
The toast of “The Queen” was drunk with musical honours.
The Chairman, in proposing the health of the farmers of the Taita district, said the club was very much indebted to the farmers for their kindness in allowing the huntsmen to run over their grounds. Mr. Milne, in replving, said that he had been 50 years in the Taita. He described the appearance of the district when he took up his residenco there, and gave some interesting reminencence of the early days. He had never met with a more liboral lot of people than the original purchasers under the New Zealand Company, and he was sorry to say that none of them had done well from a financial point of view. The speech was a capital one, and frequently sent all present into roars of laughter.
Mr. Reuben King gave the toast of “The United Hunt Club.”
The Chairman, in acknowledging the compliment, expressed a hope that the farmers of the Taita would join in the club”s meets.
The health of Mr. R. Roake, the Huntsman, was proposed by Mr. F. Dyer, who referred to that gentleman”s qualities as a genuine sport.
Mr. Roake, in replying, said that he had never been in a district where farmers were so kindly disposed towards huntsmen as the Taita settlers. He expressed a hope that before long the club would abolish the drag hunt, and hunt game.
The remaining toasts were — “Absent Friends,” proposed by Mr. C. L. Cuningham; ” The Club Secretary, Mr. Joseph Myers,” given by Dr. Gillon; “The Legislature” proposed by Mr. Milne and responded to by Dr. Newman; “The Ladies,” proposed by Mr. W. W. Cox and acknowledged by Mr. J. F. Mills; “The Press,” proposed by Dr. Newman; “The Hostess,” proposod by the Vice-Chairman; “Ladies of the Hunting Field,” proposed by Mr. H. Saunders, and replied to by Mr. Hawke; and “The Chairman” proposed by Mr. Milne.
Songs, recitations, and musical selections were given during the evening, the contributers being Drs. Purdy and Gillon. Messrs F. Dyer, W. Wakeford Cox, T. M Wilford, C. L. Cuningham, Attree, R. Roake, H. Saunders, Daysh, L. Hoffmann, and Miss ” Guilford.
The various accompaniments were admirably played by Mr. L. Hoffmann.
A very pleasant evening was brought to a close by the singing of “Auld Lang Syne.”
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