Christ Church Burials?

Dennis Ryan

Could not see a Burial Record

Evening Post 27 July 1874
A melancholy accident occurred at the Taita on Saturday last, by which a man named Dennis Ryan lost his life. We learn that the deceased was discovered lying on the road with the wheel of his cart resting on him, apparently having gone over his neck. The body was carried to Whitewood”s Hotel, where the inquest was to take place today

West Coast Times 1 August 1874
A fatal accident occurred on Saturday at Taita, near Wellington, to a man named Dennis Ryan. It appears that on the morning in question Ryan had been to the house of a man named Milne for a load of potatoes, in returning with which he got the dray into a side drain, but was helped out of the difficulty by one of Mr Liverton”s men, of Taita, when he proceeded on his journey. A short time afterwards he was found by some one going down the Naini (sic), with the cart wheel on his back, quite dead, the wheel having evidently passed over his neck.

Probate Denis Ryan, Place: Hutt, Occ: Farmer, Date of Death: 25/7/1874, AAAR W3558, Box 783, 751, Filed: 31/7/1874, Intestate, Archives NZ, Wellington

Not Buried at Taita after research

Evening Post 21 January 1874
A woman named Susannah Menchen was found dead in her house, at the Hutt, on Sunday last. An inquest was held at the Travellers” Rest Hotel, Taita, on the

following day, when the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence, that the cause of death was effusion of the brain, caused by

excitement. The deceased”s heart and liver were both much diseased.

Buried at Bolton Cemetery

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