New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator 13 October 1841
We are gratified to hear that several gentlemen have arranged alternately to read prayers at the Court-house, every Sunday, at 11 oӍlock, in the absence of a clergyman of the Church of England
New Zealand Colonist and Port Nicholson Advertiser 5 August 1842
We learn that the Government brig Victoria was to sail for this port two days after the Patriot; having on board the Right Reverend Dr. Selwyn, Lord Bishop of the Colony, and some clergymen of the Established Church of England
New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator 13 August 1842
THE MEMBERS of the Church of England are requested to meet to-day, at the royal Exchange, at 12 o”clock a.m.
New Zealand Colonist and Port Nicholson Advertiser 27 September 1842
Will be held at the New Building in Mulgrave Street, now used for Divine Service of the Church of England, on Thursday next, the 29th inst., at Noon, precisely, to take into consideration the best means of raising a subscription, for the purpose of building a Church.
September 27, 1842
New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator 4 February 1843
The Rev. Mr Cole, Church of England Minister for the District of Wellington, has also received as contributions after divine service, from the Natives of Pah”s Pipitea and Te Aro
New Zealand Colonist and Port Nicholson Advertiser 19 May 1843
Wellington Church Building Fund.
A General Meeting of Subscribers to the Wellington Church Building Fund will be holden at the Court House on Monday morning next, the 22nd inst., at eleven o”clock precisely.
H. S. Knowles,
Hon. Secretary
New Zealand Colonist and Port Nicholson Advertiser 19 May 1843
Married on Wednesday 17th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Cole of the English Church, William (eldest son of William Everett), formerly of London, now of Wellington, to Eliza (youngest daughter of Thomas Beckers), formerly of London, now of Wellington
up to Daily southern Cross 8 June 1844 query Church
New Zealand Spectator and Cook”s Strait Guardian 7 April 1852
A meeting of the members of this Society took place on Monday afternoon at the New School House, Thordon. The Rev. T. B. Hutton was called to the Chair. The following report was
submitted to the Meeting by the Committee: —
Second Report of the Committee.
5th April, 1552.
The Committee have great pleasure in again meeting those interested in the progress of Education, and in being able to state that since last assembled within these walls, for the purpose of furthering the interests of the Church of England Education Society, success has attended their efforts beyond their utmost expectations in all matters connected with the business operations of this School which is now opened, they conceive, with prospects of success so bright that nothing but some unforseen calamity can prevent this School becoming what it has been their aim to make it – a Model School for this settlement.
The Members of the Society will recollect that on the visit of the Bishop of New Zealand to Wellington, last January, athough the School House was then in an unfinished state, his Lordship was requested, and most cordially consented, to open the School
and the Committee cannot but feel, in all humility, that the
aid of a Divine Providence, so forcibly asked for on that
occasion, has been with them in their endeavours, to complete
the work they were appointed to carry out.
The great difficulty anticipated by the Committee was the selection of a suitable Master to whom to entrust the superintendence of the School: in order therefore to effect this object the day of election was extended to the 15th March: on that date there were eleven applications, three from Schoolmasters trained in the best English Schools.
The choice, of the Committee fell upon Mr. Wadsworth, who besides his high testimonials had been strongly recommended by Archdeacon Hadfield and the Rev. T. B. Hutton, who had tested his qualifications in the Schools under their superintendence at Otaki and the Hutt.
The Committee would have been contented had they been able to
obtain the services of a steady well conducted School-master,
who had received a sound Education, and had had some practice
in imparting the same to others. It was therefore with peculiar satisfaction that the appointment of Mr. Wadsworth was made;
this gentleman is recently from England, he is thoroughly
acquainted with the latest and most improved system of eduction carried on in the National Schools, and so far as the Committee have been able to judge, is most earnest in the good work,
and peculiarly adapted from his kind and conciliatory manner to win the affections of the children committed to his care.
The school is for children of both sexes; the Schoolmaster will be assisted at present in the tuition of the girls by a
Committee of Ladies, who have kindly undertaken the office,
but so soon as a sufficient number of girls have been entered
in the Books to warrant the Committee in doing so, the
services of a Schoolmistress will be obtained.
The terms of admission to the School will be as follows:-
Entrance fee for each child – 2s. 6d.
For one child per week – 1s 0d
Two or more of the same family each 8d
These charges include all the requisite books, stationery, &c. The fees will be payable weekly, but every parent or guardian will be required to sign an agreement to keep the child at the school for three months. The Committee beg to assure the members of this Society that they have kept in view a School House for Te Aro, a site for which has been placed at their disposal by the Bishop of New Zealand, but they have deemed it more prudent to devote all their energies in the first instance to this School, and they cannot refrain from
again congratulating all interested on the success which has
attended their efforts; a success for which they take little
praise to themselves, but which must be attributed to the
blessing of Him “who knows how to give better than we to ask”
Sir George Grey moved the adoption of the Report, which
was seconded by Mr. Wakefield and carried unanimously.
Mr. Wadsworth then read the Rules of the School, and said — “The system of Education sanctioned and taught in the Training
College, and pursued and carried out with such good results
connected with it at the School at Battersea, and now generally adopted in Church and National Schools in England and approved and recommended by her Majesty”s Inspectors of Schools, will,
be our model. This system cannot be carried out with any degree of success by the Master alone — he will need the steady,
active, and kind co-operaticn of the parents and guardians of
the children.”
It is a system that tends directly to the establishment of home education. Every father ought to be the teacher of his own offspring. Parents, in spite of themselves, feel an interest in that which occupies and interests their children; and it has often happened that the very lessons and exercises of their children have brought a theme to their evening circle upon which aforetimes a syllable of utterance had never been heard; and thus through the medium of natural affection have the thoughts of the parents been caught to the subject of Christianity.”
Let us entreat you then to second the efforts of the Committee and Schoolmaster by regular and systematic examinations of your children — by guiding them in their preparations for their Master and Teachers — by assisting to keep the rules of the School and by enforcing the regular attendance of your children.
“Parents and guardians — remember that you are all answerable to Almighty God for the way in which you bring up the children entrusted to your care. It is, therefore, especially your duty to keep them in good order when at home; to set them a good example by sober honest conduct in all things; using proper language, reading the holy Scriptures, and praying every night with your family, that the blessing of God may rest upon them in all their work and upon the instruction given to them at school; and thus to transmit the Christian wisdom and worth of this to the next generation.”
New Zealand Spectator and Cook”s Guardian 25 February 1854
A meeting of the Members of the Church of England was held on Tuesday evening, at the School Room, Thorndon, for receiving the Report on the Schools, for the election of a committee for the current year, and the transaction of other business. The Ven. Archdeacon Hadfield in the chair.
The Chairman having opened the business of the evening with prayer, Mr. Raymond read the following Report of the Central Committee of Education :—
Fourth Report.
The Central Committee of the Church of England Education Society have great pleasure in meeting the Members for the fourth time, at a general meeting, and in being able to assure them of the continued sucess which has attended their endeavours to promote the object for which the Society was established, viz.: “to provide a course of sound religious instruction for their children.”
The advertisement in the Wellington newspapers giving notice of the adjourned meeting, for the purpose of holding which we are now assembled, will have informed the Members of the nature of the importaut business to be brought before them; and in order that all possible time may be given for the discussion of the same, the Committee will in their present report, confine their remarks simply to the stale of the Funds, Buildings, &c, of the Society. This, however, they cannot do without at the same time thanking these kind friends who, although not members of the Church of England, have so liberally contributed their subscriptions in aid of the Funds.
The mutual fund of the Society, as per the list of subscribers, which will be read over to you, has increased from £54 12s 6d to the sum of £87 18s 6d.
The Building at Thorndon is now in a very efficient state and it is hoped that but a small amount will be required annually to keep it in thorough order and repair.
Te Aro School.
The Hutt School.
The report from the Local Committee of the Hutt School has been furnished by the Rev. T. B. Hutton, and is as follows:— “With deep thankfulness the Committee have to report the present well being of the School.
During the past year, the site of the School House has been presented by R. Barton, Esq., “for educational purposes connected with the Church of England.”
The School House has been enlarged, and it now double its former size; it has also been thoroughly painted.
An efficient Master and Mistress have been appointed at a salary of £100 per annum.
There has been a steady increase in the numbers of the children admitted; and in every way the blessing of God has rested upon the endeavours used to promote His glory, and the welfare of His church by imparting to the children of this district a sound religious and secular education.
Number of names on the books 52
Average weekly attendance 44
In conclusion the Committee beg to thank all who have helped to forward the cause of education in this district, and to request a continuance of their help and prayers that God”s blessing may ever rest upon their work.”
Subscriptions for enlarging School House £43 11s 0d
Grant from Archdeaconry board £5 0s 0d
Aid from general Subscriptions £3 10s 9d
£52 1s 9d
Annual Subscriptions in support of St. James” School £20 8s 0d Donations for ditto £0 17s 6d
School receipts from October 3, 1853, to February 6, 1854 £27 12s 4d
1st and 2nd instalment of Grant of £40 from General Finance Committee Wellington £20 0s 0d
Entrance Fees from May 2nd, 1853, up to February 6, 1854 £2 13s 0d
£71 10 10
By account for Timber, Building, &c £43 15s 9d
Subscriptions promised, not paid £2 6s 0d
Painting School House £6 0s 0d
£52 1s 9d
By aid to Building Fund £3 10s 9d
Salary paid to School Master and Mistress, from August 22, 1853, to February 6, 1854 £44 0s 4d
Writing materials and sundies £1 0s 3d
For Books, Maps, &c £5 7s 5d
Cash in hands of Treasurer £17 12s 1d
£71 10 10
Colonist 2 February 1858
The annual meeting of members of the Church of England was held yesterday evening, at Tharndon (sic) School Room, for the purpose of receiving the Reports of the Committee, and of electing Committees and Curators for the current year, and for the transaction of other business; Archdeacon Hadfield presided. The opportunity was taken of submitting to the meeting the nomination of Archdeacon Abraham to the Bishopric of Wellington, Archdeacon Hadfield who had been designated to that office having declined to accept it on account of ill health. An opposition was attempted by Mr. Fox, who moved an amendment to postpone the consideration of Archdeacon Abraham”s nomination to another meeting. Only six hands were held up in favour of Mr. Fox”s amendment, and as soon as it was declared to be lost, four out of six of its supporters, Mr. Fox, Mr. Brandon, Mr. D. Ward, and Capt. Smith, who appear to have attended the meeting with no other object, left the room. — Spectator, Jan. 27.
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