Evening Post 26 November 1927
ADDITIONAL ROOMS have been erected at Avalon Tea Rooms, Taita, and Patrons can be assured of an excellent Cup of Tea and Quck Service. Homemade Cakes.
Hutt News 20 September 1928
A very pretty wedding was solemnised at the Anglican Church, Taita, on Wednesday last, when Alma, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Searle, of Taita, was married to Mr Gerald Lionel Carter, son of Mrs Carter and the late Mr W. Carter, of Lower Hutt. The church was packed to its capacity with friends and relatives of the contracting parties, the ven. Archdeacon Hansell being the officiating clergyman. Mrs Ronning gave a splendid rendering of the wedding march. The bride, who entered the church accompanied by her brother, Mr J. Searle, wore an exquisite frock of ivory crepe” de chine trimmed with silver lace and her beautiful embroidered veil was held in place with a coronet of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of white roses, cyclamen, and freesias and asparagus and maidenhair fern. She was attended by Miss Phyllis Carter, as bridesmaid who wore a pretty frock of salmon-pink georgette, and coronet of gold leaves and pink tulle. She carried a bouquet of Iceland poppies and autumn flowers and maidenhair fern. The duties of best man were carried out by Mr L. Langford.
After the ceremony a reception was held at the Avalon Tea Rooms when Mrs Searle, dressed in a stylish, frock of fawn repp with black repp coat received a large number of guests. Mrs Carter (mother of the bridegroom), was attired in a smart frock of black georgette and black repp coat. The usual complimentary toasts were proposed and honoured.
Among the many friends present were the bride”s grandparents, Mr and Mrs Blyth, of Wellington.
The happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents, congratulatory telegrams, and expressions of goodwill.
Later the bride and bridegroom left for the South where their honeymoon is to be spent.
Evening Post 2 May 1930
oN and after SUNDAY, 4th May, the following Additions will be made to the Wellington – Upper Hutt – Brown Owl Sunday Time-table:-
WELLINGTON DEPART – 9.15 a.m., Petone Station 9.35 a.m., Lower Hutt Post Office 9.40 a.m., Manor Park Bridge 10 a.m., Heretaunga Post Office 10.10 a.m., Trentham 10.12 a.m., Upper Hutt arrive 10.20 a.m., Brown Owl arrive 10.30 a.m.
UPPER HUTT DEPART – 8.45 a.m., Trentham 8.50 a.m., Manor Park Bridge 9 a.m., Avalon Tea Rooms 9.8 (sic) a.m., Lower Hutt Town Hall 9.20 a.m., Wellington arrive 9.50 a.m.
UPPER HUTT DEPART – 10.30 a.m., Trentham 10.35 a.m., Heretaunga Post Office 10.37 a.m., Manor Park Bridge 10.45 a.m., Avalon Tea Rooms 10.53 a.m., Lower Hutt Town Hall 11.5 (sic) a.m., Wellington arrive 11.35 a.m.
Wedding Venue Bookings
To book a wedding email
or phone Daphne Daysh 04 977 2055 or 027 687 2055