Person Index

Hughey, David

David Hughey
b: 1829
d: 10 JUN 1919
Maori War Records David Hughey, Agency: AD, Series: 32, Box: 10, Record: 484, Archives NZ, Wellington

Marriage Details
Date: 1858, Folio No: 221, Names: David Hughey and Elizabeth Port

Wellington Independent 1 April 1862
To Let
A BUTCHER''S SHOP, Dwelling House and Slaughter House, the House and Shop are conveniently situated by the road side, and at a considerable distance from any other Butcher''s Shop. For further particulars enquire of
Taitai (sic).
March 31, 1862

Wellington Independent 22 August 1863
At a numerously attended public meeting of the settlers of the Taita district, held at the school-house, on Wednesday evening, August 19th; Mr William Milne in the chair, the following resolutions were passed: —
1st. Proposed by Mr Hedges, and seconded by Mr Kilminster. — "That the Chairman, Messrs C. Beetham, W. Welch, D. Hughey, and the Mover, be appointed to draw up a memorial to his Excellency the Governor, showing the various steps that have been taken to form, a Volunteer Militia corps in this locality. Carried unanimously.
2nd. Proposed by Mr W. Welch, and seconded by Mr D. Hughey — "That the thanks of the inhabitants of this district, are due to Captains Ludlam, Cleland, and Beetham, for their promptitude in warning the settlers of the contents of Mr Bidwell''s letter." Carried unanimously.
3rd. Proposed by Mr D. Hughey, and seconded by Mr G. Buck — "That the Chairman be requested to communicate with Major Gorton, to ascertain whether, it is the intention of the authorities to erect a stockade in the Taita; and if so, when, and where it will be built. Carried.
4th. Proposed by Mr Daysh and seconded by Mr W. Cleland — "That it is desirable that Captains of Companies should be invested with full power to call out the men of their respective companies in cases of emergency, in order that they may be protected from being censured publicly, by their superior officer while on parade." Carried unanimously.
5th. Proposed by Mr Roberts, and seconded by Mr Smith — "That a copy of the above resolutions, be forwarded to the Wellington Independent and New Zealand Advertiser. Carried unanimously. 6th. Proposed by by Mr Smith, and seconded by Mr Hedges — "That a vote of thanks be given to the Chairman, for the very able manner in which he has conducted the business of the meeting. Carried unanimously.

Wellington Independent 10 November 1864
Fire at the Hutt.— On Tuesday night last, about 10 o''clock, a fire broke out in the premises belonging to Mr Buckeridge, junr., at the Taita, and in a short time the building was reduced to a heap of ashes. Immediately the fire was observed, every exertion was made by the neighbors to extinguish the flames; but it being found impossible to do so; an attempt was made to prevent the adjoining buildings ignigting. The Albion Hotel had a very narrow escape, and had it not been for the strenuous efforts that were made in covering the roof with wet blankets, and dashing water against the building, it certainly must have fallen a prey to the devouring element. Mr Hughey''s premises were threatened, but were prevented catching fire by the exertions of himself and his friends. We understand that the premises destroyed were insured in the Northern Assurance Company for £150.

New Zeland Spectator and Cook''s Strait Guardian 12 November 1864
Fire at the Hutt. — On Tuesday night last about 10 o''clock a fire broke out in the premises of Mr. Buckridge, junr., at the Taiti (sic), occupied as a butcher''s shop, which was completely destroyed. The building was close to Mr. Hughey''s store and Buckridge''s "Albion Hotel," which were fortunately saved by the exertions of the neighbours. We understand that all the property in the building was saved with the exception of a rifle and a set of belts. The premises were insured in the Northern Insurance Office for the sum of £150.

Wellington Independent 17 January 1865
On January 3rd, the members of the Taita Rifle Volunteer Corps assembled in Mr Welch''s paddock, for the purpose of partaking of the hospitality of Lieutenant Welch and Sergeant Hughey, who were successful competitors for Government Prizes.
A large tent was erected in which about 80 guests sat down to dinner. Major Gorton, Dr Boor, Rev. E. Herring, and the officers of the Hutt Volunteers, favored the company with their presence. Captain Ludlam occupied the chair in the most able manner, and was well supported by Dr Boor as vice- Chairman. A blessing having been asked by the Rev. J. E Herring, the company proceeded to do ample justice to the abundance of good things set before them.
After the cloth was removed, Mr Hedges, the Secretary of the Company, read the following:— " Mr Chairman and Gentlemen — As this is the first time we have met together on an occasion like the present since the Taita Company of Rifle Volunteers was formed, I take this opportunity of giving these gentlemen who have favored us with their company to-day, and the members of the corps generally, a slight sketch of our proceedings during the past year. Gentlemen, you are all aware that three of our members, Lieutenant Welch, Sergeant Hughey, and Mr Thomas Harris have been successful competitors for Government prizes, and I am sure that the members of the corps are pleased with their success. Lieutenant Welch and Sergeant Hughey, having most liberally promised to give their prizes to the company in some way or other, considered the best way to spend their prize money would be to invite the whole of the Company to a friendly dinner, with the hope of maintaining the good feeling that has existed generally throughout the corps. I beg also to mention that during the past year we have had a trial of skill with the Porirua Rifle Volunteers, and although they were unsuccessful, they manifested the most cordial and friendly spirit throughout. We expect soon to fire a return match in the Taita, and I have no doubt that the same generous rivalry will exist in the next competition. I am happy to say that considering the scattered position and agricultural occupations of the members of the corps, the attendance at drill has been very good, and I am quite sure that you will all agree with me that we are under no small obligation to Major Gorton and Adjutant Cleland for the very able and efficient manner in which they have instructed us in our drill. In conclusion I only hope that the same good spirit which has existed hitherto, will always continue among us and tend to promote the peace and security of the district, and that the present may only be the first of many similar meetings."
The Chairman, on rising, said he had very great pleasure in proposing the health of her most gracious Majesty the Queen, and Royal Family. He was quite sure that wherever Englishmen assembled together they would always respond heartily to that toast. Drank with all honors.
The Chairman said the next toast he had to propose was the health of his Excellency Sir George Grey, the Governor of the Colony. He said Sir George Grey had taken a great interest in the affairs of New Zealand for the last twenty years, and that His Excellency was personally acquainted with, a great number of the old settlers, and he (Captain Ludlam) believed that Sir George Grey had the real welfare of the colony at heart. Drank with honors.
The Chairman said it was usual at all public dinners to drink the health of the Army and Navy, but more particularly on this occasion as this dinner was of a military character. The inhabitants of New Zealand were under the greatest obligations to the army and navy for their valuable services, in defending the homes and property of the settlers. I need not remind you of the gallant deeds performed by them during the late war in the North, and the loss of lives sustained in upholding her Majesty''s supremacy in New Zealand; most of the old settlers will also remember the war with the natives in 1846, when both soldiers and sailors rendered very great assistance in protecting our homes in the Hutt. Drank with honors.
The Chairman said he had great pleasure in proposing the health of the Colonial Troops, both Militia and Volunteers, and he begged to couple with this toast the name of Major Gorton. He had only to refer them to the manner in which they had acted in Taranaki in order to show the value of the civilian forces. He might also refer them to the time when the Militia performed very valuable services in this district. Drank with all honors. Major Gorton, in responding, said it gave him great pleasure to meet them on this occasion. He had seen the Militia and Volunteers at Taranaki behave in the most gallant manner, and he had no doubt that if ever the services of the Militia and Volunteers in this Province should ever be required that they would be able to do their duty. He begged to thank them for the very hearty manner in which they had drank his health, more particulary as there had been some slight misunderstanding between them. He felt happy to think that all past differences were forgotten, and he would always be glad, so far as lay in his power, to assist in furthering the interests of the Company. He was sorry for having to leave them so early in the evening, but had called a meeting in Wellington that night for the purpose of organizing a Volunteer Fire Brigade and that he was foregoing a pleasure to perform a duty. (Loud cheers).
The Chairman said it gave him great pleasure to propose the health of the Taita Volunteers and Captain Whitewood. He considered it a duty they all owed to one another, whether as Militiamen or Volunteers to devote some portion of their time to acquire the use of their arms, so as to be able to act in case of emergenoy. It was well known what a state of alarm we were all in before the settlers had arms issued to them. It had always been his opinion, and recent events had confirmed it, that the best way to keep peace with the Maories was to be prepared for war. He thought that the Government had taken a wise step in calling out the Militia once a month for the purpose of examining the arms and ammunition that had
been served out to them. If the Government were to propose to disarm the Militia it would raise an outcry from one end of the province to the other. He felt quite sure that they would all agree with him that it was quite necessary that the arms and ammunition should be inspected, so that if ever they were required for the protection of the country, they would be fit for service. He was happy to see the cordial and friendly spirit that had prevailed among them that evening and had great pleasure in drinking the above toast. Drank with honors.
Captain Whitewood, in responding to this toast, said he felt highly gratified in returning thanks to those gentlemen who had honored them with their presence that evening for the very kind manner in which they had drank their health, and he hoped that the conduct of the Taita Volunteers would always merit the approbation that had been accorded to them that evening. (Hear, hear).
The Chairman said the next toast he had the pleasure of proposing was that of Lieut. Welch and Sergeant Hughey, to whom he understood they were indebted for that entertainment. He knew that they were all acquainted with those two gentlemen whose names he had mentioned; their parents were among the earliest settlers and had borne their full share of the trials and difficulties that the first colonists had to contend with, and it was quite unnecessary for him to dwell on their liberality in inviting them together that evening. Drank with honors.
Mr Welch briefly returned thanks.
Mr Milne begged to propose the Volunteer Officers of the district, and to include in that toast the name of Adjutant Cleland. He considered the members of the Volunteer Companies were under the deepest obligation to those gentlemen who had taken such great interest and devoted so much time towards bringing the Volunteer corps to that state of efficiency in which they now are. He considered that Captain Cleland had been identified with the Volunteer movement in the Hutt from the beginning. That his thorough knowledge of his duties as drill instructor, his courteous demeanor towards both officers and men, and the zest with which he had joined them in all their social enjoyments, had gained for him that high character he so justly merits. Drank with, all honors.
Captain Cleland, in returning thanks said, he felt highly honored by the manner in which the company had responded to his health. He begged to disclaim any particular merit in being able to instruct them in the use of their arms. He had had a great number of years'' experience at drill, and he ought to be able to perform the duties of his office. He was proud to say that he had been connected with the first Company of Volunteers that had been organised in the Hutt, and they had been highly complimented by the General Government for the way in which the corps had been conducted; he had likewise been officially connected with the Taita Company, and he was happy to say that it gave him great pleasure to refer to the cheerful manner in which they had always acted while under his command. He was happy to include a number of the gentlemen present among his personal friends, but apart from that his official connexion with them had been a source of unmitigated pleasure. He was also officially connected with several Volunteer Corps in the Wairarapa which were in a high state of efficiency, and he would be happy to believe that his services had contributed to the success of the different Volunteer Corps in the district. (Loud cheers.)
The health of Dr Boor was next proposed and drank in a most hearty manner.
Dr Boor, in briefly returning thanks said, that he felt flattered with the manner in which they had drank his health, and as his professional services to the ladies had been mentioned he had great pleasure in proposing their health. Drank with the usual honors.
Mr Milne said that he had another toast to propose, and one which gave him great pleasure, it was the Militia of the District, and with that toast Captain Ludlam, who had so ably filled the chair that evening. He hoped that no invidious distinction would arise between the Militia and Volunteers in this district, for should ever the services of the settlers be required, he felt quite sure that both Militia and Volunteers would heartily co-operate. Captain Ludlam had taken a prominent part in the affairs of the Hutt for the last twenty years, and had always been anxious to advance the interests of the inhabitants. He (Mr Milne) was quite sure that they would all agree with him that the thanks of that meeting were due to Captain Ludlam for his ability in the chair that night. Drank with honors.
The Chairman, on rising to reply, said, he hoped that neither the services of the Militia nor Volunteers would be required for any other purpose than training and exercise, but if unfortunately a war should break out amongst us, he had no doubt that every man would do his duty irrespective of the corps to which he belonged. It gave him great pleasnre to think he had in any way contributed to the harmony of that meeting by occuping the chair, and he thanked them for the hearty manner in which they had drank his health. (Cheers.)
Several other complimentary toasts followed which were duly honored; the company were also favored with a number of songs during the evening, and at a late hour retired to their homes highly gratified with their day''s enjoyment, which will long be remembered as one of the most pleasant spent in the Taita.

Note all surnames spelt as Buckeridge
Wellington Independent 27 June 1965
Robert, Edward, Ann (sic), Emily, and Eliza Buckeridge, were brought up on remand, charged with assaulting the police.
Mr Borlase, Mr Button, and Mr Buckley appeared as counsel for the defence.
Thomas Kinsella, deposed am a police constable and reside in Wellington. I left town on the 22nd instant by order of the Inspector, to execute a warrant on the heads of John and Edw. (sic) Buckeridge. They are the sons of Robert Buckeridge of the Taita. I was accompanied by Constable Brady, and arrived at Buckeridges'' about a quarter to eleven in the forenoon. Constable Brady pointed out the prisoner Edward to me as he was coming out of the stable. I went over towards him and told him that I was a corporal in the Wellington police force, adding that I had a warrant for the apprehension of himself and his brother John. He asked me for it, on which I told Brady to produce it. While Brady was reading it, Edward struck me in the face with his clenched fist, and then attempted to run away, but I caught him by the arm. With that, his father Robert Buckeridge came out and seized hold of me, while I was holding Edward. I was dragged down, and while on the ground was struck by Edward Buckeridge, and kicked by the father then Ann (sic) Buckeridge, the mother, came out. The father had hold of me, and I still clung to the son Edward. Mrs Buckeridge picked up a stone and struck me in the face with it. The father then rescued Edward from me, who ran away and stooped for a stone. He threw it at me, but it went over my right shoulder. The two young female prisoners pelted me, but though the stones hit me about my body my head was not touched. Emily Buckeridge hit me with a big stone on the knee. I then told the father that I would not leave the yard unless I took Edward with me, to which the father replied that he himself would bring both his sons into town. I agreed to that.
Cross-examined by Mr Borlase - I was in plain clothes when I went to Buckeridge''s to execute the warrant. I knew none of the family by sight. After I spoke to the man constable Brady pointed out as Edward, he did not go back towards the stable. I rode to Buckeridge''s and hitched my reins over the fence to the right hand side of the house. Brady hitched his horse at the left hand side, and after I had dismounted I went towards him, and he pointed out Edward to me. I had a hammer headed whip in my hand, but no revolver, nor had Brady. I did not strike Edward Buckeridge, but he struck me. After he had thrown stones at me, I struck him with the whip across the arm when (sic) he was standing with a stone in his hand. I did not hit him on the head with my whip, but when I grappled with him we fell down to the ground. I never called out to Brady to shoot Edward with a revolver, he had not one. The father did not try to raise either of us up, he kicked me about the ribs and thighs. I did not hear him say anything at the time. Mrs Buckeridge only threw stones at me. Then the girls came out and pelted me also. I did not tell the ladies that I was a policeman, but I told the father afterwards, not when I and the son were struggling on the ground. The father promised to bring his sons into town before he had seen the warrant. He did bring them into town, and when he was in town I arrested him also. Constable Brady was not in uniform when we went to Buckeridge''s house.
James Brady, deposed - I am a constable of police and reside at the Hutt. I went to Buckeridge''s with Kinsella on the 22nd June, to arrest John and Edward Buckeridge, sons of Robert Buckeridge''s Hotel, saw Edward standing at the stable door. I got off my horse, and while I was making him fast to the gate, Edward walked across the yard and I told him there was a warrant for his apprehension, he asked me to produce it. When I put my hand into my pocket to take it out, he turned to go away and Kinsella took hold of him by the arm, on which the prisoner struck him in the face, saying, "let go you b-, I''ll knock your brains out." He stooped to pick up a stone, and the corporal pulled him to the ground. I went over to the stable from which Edward had come out, in order to look for John, and saw Mrs Buckeridge with two stones in her hand. Mrs Buckeridge called to her daughters, who also came out with two stones each. Three of them threw stones at me on my way to the stable, and I turned round. I then saw Robert Buckeridge have hold of the Corporal while Edward was making blows at and kicking him. The women who had had been following me towards the stable then turned back and pelted Kinsella. I saw one stone strike him on the side of the head, Edward was rescued from us, and he ran into the house. Shortly afterwards he came out with what I took to be the handle of a stable broom in his hand. He said "come on you b- and see if you can take me." Robert Buckeridge and a neighbour named Roberts then came and asked me what the row was about. While they were speaking, the tallest girl, Emily struck Kinsella on the knee with a stone. Robert Buckeridge went into tho house leaving Edward and the three women on the road, still with stones in their hands. Robert Buckeridge came out of the house after a time and told me that he would try to persuade his sons to ride into town on their horses, but Kinsella said he must take them as prisoners.
Cross-examined by Mr Borlase. I spoke to Edward Buckeridge first. I told him that I had a warrant for his arrest. I put the warrant in my pocket, when I saw Kinsella struck. Kinsella pulled Edward down when he saw him stooping to pick up stones. Neither Kinsella nor I used the word revolver during tho disturbance. I went direct to the stable to look for John. On my return from my search I saw Robert Buckeridge holding Kinsella, and Edward Buckeridge kicking him. The woman threw the stones all the time they were out in the yard. Robert Buckeridge tried to persuade them to go in. I never heard the women say that Edward was being ill-treated. They were not silent, they were screaming and shiricking. I showed my warrant to Robert Buckeridge when he asked me to do so. About a quarter of an hour afterwards he told me he would try to bring the boys into town. I brought the sons in as prisoners, and Kinsella arrested the father on his arrival.
By the Court,- I am stationed at the Hutt. I have been there about fourteen months. I am acquainted with all the prisoners, their house is within my district, and I am often passing.
David Hughey, deposed, - I am storekeeper at the Taita. My premises adjoin those of the prisoner Robert Buckeridge. I was at home about 11 o''clock on the 22nd inst. I knew Kinsella by sight, and Brady very well. They passed my place on Thursday morning the 22nd inst, and I saw them enter Mr Buckeridge''s yard after making their horses fast. As they went in Edward Buckeridge met them. I could see him strike Kinsella and then a scuffle commenced, seeing which I walked into my house, and did not come out till it was all over. Buckeridge is my neighbor, and I did not wish to be in the in way.
Cross-examined by Mr Borlase, - I did not see Kinsella strike Edward. I saw Brady bring something out of his pocket, but I could not see what it was, or how the scuffle began. Brady, sometimes goes his round, on horseback.
Mr Borlase submitted that as the policemen were not in uniform, the women and Robert Buckeridge had only committed a common assault on a man whom they had seen struggling with a near relation. They had never seen the warrant, and were unaware that they were resisting the police. There was no proof of a deliberate onslaught having been made on the constable by them.
The defence was reserved, and the prisoners were committed to take their trial at the next criminal sittings of the Court.
Bail was demanded and accepted.

Evening Post 21 July 1865
Provincial Council
Mr. LUDLAM presented one from Mr. David Hughey on the subject of a refused Crown Grant of land.

Wellington Independent 7 November 1865
Whisker - Hughey - On the 1st November, at the residence of the bride''s father by the Rev. Mr. Muir, James Whisker, second son of Mr. James Whisker, Belfast, Ireland, to Miss Catherine Hughey, fourth daughter of Mr. William Hughey, Taita, Hutt

Wellington Independents 12 April 1866
PUBLICANS'' LICENCES.- Tuesday next, the 17th inst., is licensing day, and there are two applications for consideration by the Bench of Justices. The first of these is from Mr James Cattell, for the Princess Family Hotel, at Thorndon, and the other from Mr. David Hughey at the Taita.

Evening Post 17 April 1866
Mr. David Hughey applied to have a license granted for a new house which he had built at the Taitai, to be called the Taitai Family Hotel.
Application refused.

Wellington Independent 19 April 1866
Buck, George, Taita, Upper Hutt Travellers Rest.
Buckridge, Robert, Upper Hutt, The Albion.
Death, George, Manners-street, Coach and Horses.
Hughey, David, Taita, Taita Family Hotel.
Whyte, Andrew J. Lower Hutt, Whitewood''s Hotel.
Wilkins, John, Upper Hutt, The Highland Home.
In reference to the above application, Mr. Inspector Atcheson informed the Bench that there was an objection to renewing Mr. Robert Buckridge''s license for a public-house, known as the Albion Hotel, in the Upper Hutt, on the grounds that he was under a judgment of the Supreme Court for a breach of the peace.
Mr. Ludlam said that at a recent Licensing Meeting an application for the transfer of the license to Mr. Buckridge''s son-in-law had been refused, and that it was then considered that Mr. Buckridge himself should not have his licence renewed, but to show that the Bench did not wish to cause him any pecuniary loss, he thought that if anyone, not belonging to the family, wished the license transferred to him it might be done. After some further discussion, it was decided that the case should be adjourned for a fortnight.
Mr. David Hughey''s Application.
The application of Mr. David Hughey for a license to sell spirituous liquor at his store in the Upper Hutt (sic), which he was desirous of converting into a public house, was refused.

Wellington Independent 25 August 1868
THE Good-will of that old established and flourishing business of Draper, Grocer, and General Storekeeper, at present carried on by Duvid Hughey, at Taita, Hutt.
A large and commodious dwelling house, with outbuildings, stables, gig house, hay shed. &c, &c.
A large garden is attached, well stocked with fruit trees. Also,
TO SELL or LET, about 1000 Acres of Land, partially cleared, fenced, and stocked with sheep, horses, and cattle.
The purchase of the stock will be at the option of the buyer. -
This valuable business and property is offered for sale on account of the proprietor wishing to proceed to England for the benefit of his health.
For terms and further particulars, apply on the premises to the proprietor,
Taita, Hutt, Wellington.

Wellington Independent 31 October 1868
Sheep Inspector''s Report (Wellington.)
RETURN of Sheep in May, 1868, all over six months, with amount of Assessment due thereon in the month of August, at the rate of one half- penny per head per annum for the Wellington district.
Name. Residence. Sheep. Assessment. Condition of Flock. Remarks.
Allen, George. Waiwetu. 150. 0 6 3. Clean.
Buck, George. Taita. 295. 0 12 3 1.2. Clean.
Brathwaite, A. Waiwetu. 300. 0 12 6. Clean.
Death, J. Waiwetu. No return.
Death, R. RationPoint. No return.
Ellerm, H. & W. Belmont. 200. 0 8 4. Clean.
Fraser, T.& A. Taita, No. 1. 500. 1 0 10. Clean.
Fraser, T & A. Taita, No. 2. 300. 0 12 6. Clean.
Freathy. Lower Hutt. 32. 0 1 9. Clean.
Gower, John. Ohau. 1400. 2 18 4. Clean.
Golder, J. Belmont. 28. 0 1 2. Clean.
Hadfield, Rev. Octavuis. Otaki. 1000. 2 1 8. Clean.
Hayward, Thomas. Hutt. 111. 0 4 7 1/2. Clean.
Hughey, David. Taita. 208. 0 8 8. Clean.
Harris, J. Nai Nai. 340. 0 14 2. Clean.
Judd, Stephen. Upper Hutt. 80. 0 3 4. Clean.
Judd, William. Upper Hutt. 90. 0 3 9. Clean.
Judd, Wm, Junr. Waiwetu. 10. 0 0 5. Clean.
Knight, J. & J. Waiwetu. 100. 0 4 2. Clean.
Kilminster (sic), J. & H. Karori. 170. 0 7 1. Clean.
Liverton, John. Hutt. 500. 1 0 10. Clean.
Ludlam, Alfred. Hutt. 1222. 2 10 11. Clean.
Mason, Thos. Taita. 100. 0 4 2. Clean.
Mabey, J. & T. Upper Hutt. 500. 1 0 10. Clean.
Peck, Richard. Stokes'' Valley. Sold.
Pringle, Alexander. Lower Hutt. 80. 0 3 4. Clean.
Percy, Henry J. Petoni. 50. 0 2 1. Clean.

Evening Post 5 March 1869
Mr. David Hughey''s shop, store, and dwelling place, Taita, Hutt, were totally destroyed by fire between two and three o''clock this morning. The fire originated in the stables of the Albion Hotel, owned by Mr. Samuel Death, a little before nine o''clock last night, and the supposition, is that sparks from thence must have been carried by the wind underneath Mr. Hughey''s premises, in near proximity, as it was not till after the fire had been extinguished at the stables, and everything quiet, that Mr. Hughey''s store was discovered to be on fire, which was speedily and totally destroyed. Estimated loss to Mr. Hughey £2000, who was insured for £1000 in the New Zealand Insurance Company. How the fire originated in Death''s has not yet been, ascertained, but it is to be regretted that this is the second time a similar calamity has befallen Mr. Death.

Wellington Independent 6 March 1869
Destructive Fire at the Taita. — Between half past eight and nine o''clock on Thursday evening last, a fire broke out in the stables at the rear of the Albion Hotel, Taita. A strong north west breeze was blowing at the time so that it was quite impossible to save the property, consequently the neighbors brought all their strength to bear upon the attempt to save the adjacent buildings belonging to Mr D. Hughey. All that was possible was done, the roofs and walls being kept constantly wet by relays of men, but though they succeeded in preserving the house for some hours yet when all danger was believed to be past, and the remains of Death''s stable extinguished, a fire burst out at Mr Hughey''s, which set at defiance all farther efforts and the whole building was shortly burnt to the ground, and had it not been for the exertions of the neighbours, assisted very materially by Constable Brady, who organised a party for the constant supply of water. Mr. W. Cleland''s store on the opposite side of the road must have shared the fate of the other. Indeed it caught fire once or twice. We hear that Mr Hughey estimates his loss at £2000, and is insured in the New Zealand Insurance Company for £1000; it is also stated that Mr Death is partly insured, but we were not informed to what amount.

Evening Post 29 March 1869
TENDERS will be received up to Tuesday, 6th April, at noon, for erecting a Dwelling House, Store, and Shed, at the Taita, Hutt, to replace the buildings recently destroyed by fire, occupied by Mr. David Hughey.
Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the undersigned.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Agnets N.Z. Insurance Co.
Exchange Buildings,
29th March.

Wellington Independent 29 April 1869
THE copies of the "INDEPENDENT" forward to Mr D. Hughey for the TAITA subscribers will be for the present be sent to Mr G. Hedges, Post Office, Taita.

Wellington Independent 28 September 1869
HOUSE AND SHOP with outbuildings, garden and orchard — suitable for any business. This property has been occupied for the last nine years as a general business store, and is capable of giving a handsome return. An enterprising business man will be liberally dealt with.
Also about 1000 acres land with house thereon.
Milch cows and other stock
A working man with good references preferred.
Apply to
Proprietor, Taita, Hutt;
Or R. PORT, Willis street.
Sept. 27, 1869.


Evening Post 20 November 1871
By Mr. Monaghan - Mr. D. Hughey''s name is on the list; he had posted him a notice to the Hutt.
Mr. Monaghan informed the Magistrate that D. Hughey lived at Manawatu.

Evening Post 2 February 1879
Between 10 and 11 o''clock on Saturday night, a seven-roomed house and shop at the Taita, occupied by Mr. James McKenzie, shoemaker, was destroyed by fire. Mr. McKenzie was melting some wax in the shop, all tbe children (seven in number) being in bed, when tbe kerosene lamp, by the light of which he was working, suddenly exploded. The burning oil spread rapidly, and though Mr. McKenzie took off his coat and tried to beat out the flames, he soon saw that his efforts were utterly useless. He then run up-stairs and called tbe children. Two of the boys jumped from the bedroom window, and the third from a sky-light, all alighting without injury. Mr. McKenzie seized the baby, aged about 12 months, and the second child, and rushed downstairs, followed by the third little girl. All escaped without injury, when Mr. McKenzie suddenly recollected that his daughter Alice, aged four years, was still in the burning house. She was sleeping by herself in a small room, and in the confusion of the moment had been forgotten. Mr. McKenzie again rushed into the house, but was obliged by the flames and smoke to return, and Mr. Tom Avery also made a brave attempt to rescue the child. Seeing that it was impossible to get upstairs, Mr. McKenzie borrowed a ladder from Mr. Cleland, storekeeper, and tried to effect an entrance through an upper window, but his neighbors, seeing that he would meet with certain death if he entered the room (for the whole house was by this time a mass of flame), persuaded him to desist from the attempt, and the poor child was left to her fate The flames spread so rapidly that none of the furniture except a chair and a mattrass could be saved, and from the first it was a hopeless task to endeavor to save the premises, though there was a plentiful supply of water and the willing neighbors mustered in strong force. In less than half-an-hour the house was burned to the ground. The efforts of the brothers Avery should be specially mentioned, for they were foremost in the attempt to save life and property. There was a strong breeze blowing diagonally across the road, and this took showers of sparks in the direction of Mr. Cleland''s store, which was three times set on fire, but men on the roof, with buckets of water, prevented serious injury being done. The gorse hedge also caught fire, and threatened to set alight to the adjoining cottage, but this was fortunately prevented. It was fortunate that the wind did not blow in the opposite direction, for the outbuildings attached to Mr. Williams hotel almost adjoined the burning house, and nothing could have prevented the fire spreading to the hotel. The house was the property of Mr. Hughey, of Foxton, and was insured in the North British office for £200 — its full value. Mr. McKenzic was not insured, and his loss will be about £150. This is the third house on the same site which has been burned down, Mr. Hughey being in occupation on the two previous occasions.

Evening Post 4 February 1879
Yesterday afternoon Dr. Johnston, coroner (in the absence of Dr. Wilford), and a jury of whom Mr. W. S. Milne was foreman, was held at the Albion Hotel, Taita, to inquire into the circumstances attending the death of Alice McKenzie, who was burned to death at the recent fire at the Taita.
Charles Burt, carpenter, who lived next door to the house which was burned down, said that when he heard screams, shortly before 11 o''clock on Saturday night, he ran out and found McKenzie''s house in flames, and McKenzie and six children were outside — all the children being undressed. McKenzie was calling out for some one to save his child, but he appeared distracted, and tried to re-enter the blazing house, but he was prevented from doing so. It was then too late, as the smoke was issuing from the roof and the skylight of the room where the child was lying. Witness was in McKenzie''s shop about half-an- hour before the alarm was given, and he was quite sober and at work. He told one of the boys to make a fire in the kitchen, as he wanted to melt some wax, and the boy then went to bed.
James McKenzie, shoemaker, occupier of the house which was destroyed, said he was at work in the shop, the children being in bed. One of the boys lit a fire to melt some wax, and shortly afterwards witness went to examine it, putting the lamp on the floor to obtain a better light. When he was stirring the wax the lamp exploded, and the fire soon communicated with the melted wax. He tried to smother the flames with his coat, calling out to the boys, and when he found he could not put the fire out he ran upstairs and caught up two of the girls. After he had placed them outside he returned and rescued the baby, which was on the ground floor. He next tried to save Alice, but could not re-enter the house. The house was the property of Mrs. Hughey, of Foxton, and witness had a lease for five years. He had paid the insurance upon the premises as part of the agreement, but Mr. Port was the insurer for Mrs. Hughey.
By the foreman — The house was insured for £200, and the shed at the side for £50. Witness''s stock and furniture were not insured — he lost everything he possessed, estimating his loss at £75. Besides this, he had £40 10s belonging to the Lower Hutt Local Board in the house, as well as a few pounds of his own money. He was unable to bank it on Saturday, as the bank was closed before he arrived. All the books of the Board (to which witness was clerk, collector, and inspector of nuisances) were destroyed.
By Mr. Cleland — He did not think the house was over insured; but the stables ware not worth £5.
By the Coroner — He did not know whose oil he was using, nor whether there was anything defective in the lamp, but he had lately been very busy, and had not given the lamp a thorough cleaning for two months.
Mr Cleland (a juryman), who sold the oil to McKenzie, said it was Devoe''s. He had been burning the same oil for two months, and was quite willing to have it tested. It was not marked "dangerous," and he, therefore, presumed that it had been passed by the Inspector at Wellington.
A verdict of "Accidental death from the bursting of a kerosene lamp " was returned, the jury adding that there was no evidence to show whether the lamp or the oil was to blame.

More information about D Hughey relating to Manawatu area

Death Details
1890/1157, Elizabeth Hughey, Aged: 55Y - Date of Death 27/5/1890 from Death Registration

Manawatu Herald 30 May 1890
The district has suffered the loss of an old and esteemed settler in the death of Mrs D. Hughey, which took place on Tuesday evening at her residence

Manawatu Herald 3 June 1890
Hughey - On the 27th May, Elizabeth Mary, wife of David Hughey, aged 55 years, at her residence, Carvery Green, after a long illness - Wellington papers please copy

Death Detail
1919/4150, David Hughey, Aged: 90Y - Date of Death 10/6/1919 from Death Registration

Evening Post 14 June 1919
The death is announced of Mr. David Hughey, a well-known settler of the Manawatu district. The deceased, who was 91 years of age, had of late resided with his daughter at Waikanae. He arrived in Wellington when only twelve years of age in the ship Martha Ridgway, in November, 1840. He went with his parents to Karori, and later, moved to Taita, and then on to Foxton. At Foxton he opened a store and engaged in the flax-milling industry, but subsequently took an active part in the opening up of the Pohangina district. During his long life he earned the respect of a wide circle of friends.

Hawera & Normanby Star 17 June 1919
Another pioneer settler, Mr David Hughey, a well-known resident in the Manawatu district, died last week in his ninety-first year at the residence ot his daughter, Mrs Robert John Port, Waikanae (reports an exchange). Mr Hughey arrived in Wellington in November, 1840. Seven years were spent with his parents at Karori. During that time, when only 15 years of age, he served in the militia as a substitute for his father. He then removed to Taita, and later went into the Manawatu district, settling at Foxton, where he opened a store, and engaged in the flaxmilling industry. Subsequently he took an active part in opening up the Pohangina district, and to his untiring energy and ability that district owes much for its present prosperity. Later he did successful work as a pioneer in the Matuiti district. Mr Hughey was a man of fine physique and untiring energy, and rendered valuable service on public bodies. He was also a great Maori linguist, and exercised considerable influence among the natives, whose full confidence he enjoyed. He on one oocar sion had a concession made to him by the famous warrior chief, Wi Tako, extended to no other European. Mr Hughey devoted his ability and energies largely for the wise settlement of new districts. He survived his wife 25 years, leaving Mrs R. J. Port as the only surviving member of his family.
  • 1829 - Birth -
  • 10 JUN 1919 - Death -
William Hughey
1802 - 29 DEC 1878
David Hughey
1829 - 10 JUN 1919
Mary Ann Unknown
1805 - 6 AUG 1897
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) William Hughey
Death29 DEC 1878
Marriageto Mary Ann Unknown
PARENT (F) Mary Ann Unknown
Death6 AUG 1897
Marriageto William Hughey
FCatherine - Fourth Daughter Hughey
Death3 JUL 1912
Marriage1 NOV 1865to James Whisker at The Residence Of The Bride''s Father, Taita
FEleanor Hughey
Marriage1888to Barnard Strode Penny
FMargaret Hughey
FMaria Hughey
FAnn Eliza Hughey
Death23 MAR 1879
Marriage17 FEB 1853to George PHILLIPS at The Residence of William Hughey
MJohn Hughey
Death25 AUG 1915
Marriage2 NOV 1875to Mary Jane Whisker
MDavid Hughey
Death10 JUN 1919
Marriage1858to Elizabeth Port
FDaughter Hughey
FDaughter Hughey
FMary 6th Daughter Hughey
BirthABT 1847
Death13 JUL 1864
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) David Hughey
Death10 JUN 1919
Marriage1858to Elizabeth Port
FatherWilliam Hughey
MotherMary Ann Unknown
PARENT (F) Elizabeth Port
Death27 MAY 1890
Marriage1858to David Hughey
FMary Elizabeth Hughey
Birth13 APR 1871Taita
Marriage1892to Robert John Port
MRobert Ambrose Port Hughey
Death25 OCT 1866
MDavid William Campbell Hughey
Death8 NOV 1866
Descendancy Chart
David Hughey b: 1829 d: 10 JUN 1919
Elizabeth Port b: 1835 d: 27 MAY 1890
Mary Elizabeth Hughey b: 13 APR 1871 d: 1950
Robert John Port b: 1858 d: 1928
Robert Ambrose Port Hughey b: 1859 d: 25 OCT 1866
David William Campbell Hughey b: 1864 d: 8 NOV 1866
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